Study on Characteristic between Resistance and Temperature of Negative Temperature Coefficient 关于负温度系数热敏电阻R-T特性的探讨
Discussion and Control of High Strength Self-compact Negative Temperature Concrete Structure Damage 高强负温自密实混凝土结构损伤的探讨和控制
Negative temperature coefficient thermistor ceramics 陶瓷加湿器,用于散热器负温度系数热敏电阻瓷
Negative Temperature Coefficient of Resistance of Nb-doped SnO_2 Ceramics 铌掺杂氧化锡陶瓷的电阻负温度系数特性
The characteristics of negative temperature state system were discussed, and compared with the image-forming behavior of thin convex lens. 分析了处于负温度状态系统的特征,并将其与薄凸透镜成像特征作类比,阐明了应用类比法讲授负温度状态的优越性。
Study and application of new efficient pumping admixture of negative temperature 新型高效混凝土负温泵送剂的研究与应用
On the basis of the Boltzmann formula, we can assign a negative temperature to such a medium. 根据玻耳兹曼公式可以赋予这种物质以负温度。
Experimental study on effects of admixtrues and mixture on performance of negative temperature concrete 外加剂及掺合料对负温混凝土性能影响的试验研究
Additional poison erbium makes prompt negative temperature coefficient much more negative. 添加毒物铒将大大增加铀氢锆堆芯的瞬发负温度系数的绝对值。
Experiment research on durability of HFRP under negative temperature conditions 负温条件下HFRP片材耐久性能试验研究
Impacts of outdoor varied negative temperature and constant negative temperature on compressive strength of concrete 自然变负温养护和恒负温养护对混凝土强度的影响
Negative temperature coefficient humidity sensitive resistor 负温度系数湿敏电阻器
Used in the construction and fitting-in antifreeze, concrete can harden in the negative temperature and the time to achieve sufficient strength antifreeze. 在建筑装修中使用防冻剂,能使混凝土在负温下硬化,并在规定时间内达到足够防冻强度。
Fallacy on negative temperature and symmetrical resume on change of entropy 负温度的谬误和熵变化对称性的恢复
Welding Technology of Steel Structure at Negative Temperature in Palms-holding Dagoba for Famen Temple 法门寺合十舍利塔钢骨结构负温焊接工艺
Warmth, oxygen from sunlight and wetness. negative temperature coefficient humidity sensitive resistor 温度、氧气、闭光和湿度。负温度系数湿敏电阻器
A new concept called "liquid water-cement ratio" and its formula are advanced, which can be used to evaluate liquid water amount in the concrete mixed with antifreezer at negative temperature. 在预拌混凝土的生产中混凝土的凝结时间是一项重要的技术指标,本文试图讨论用水量、水灰比、粉煤灰和外加剂等因素对混凝土凝结时间的影响。
Investigations on the Electrical Properties of the Negative Temperature Coefficient Composite Thermistors 双相复合负温度系数热敏材料的电性能研究
Based on negative temperature coefficient resistance ( NTCR), a fine multiple channel temperature measurement system was designed. 以负温度系数热敏电阻为核心器件设计了多通道高精度温度测量系统。
The Influence of Several organic admixture upon the negative temperature concrete performance 几种有机外加剂对低温下水泥混凝土性能的影响
The paper focus on studying the influence of temperature and time to negative temperature concrete. 着重阐述了度时积对负温混凝土的影响。
But the frozen soil depth data acquired with the new method has better correlation with minimum temperature, the sum of hourly negative temperature and wind speed in low-temperature. 新方法所获取的冻土深度数据与最低温度及低温下的风速、时温累积等表现出较好的相关。
The Research of Preparation for Ni-Mn-O Negative Temperature Coefficient Thermistor by Coprecipitation and Sintering Process 共沉淀法制备Ni-Mn-O系负温度系数热敏陶瓷及烧结工艺研究
The study shows that the absolute value of prompt negative temperature coefficient decreases observably along with the increasing of weight percentage of uranium. 研究表明:随着铀质量比的增加,铀氢锆燃料堆芯的瞬发负温度系数的绝对值显著减小;
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterization of the Perovskite Niobates; Negative Temperature Coefficient of Resistance of Nb-doped SnO_2 Ceramics 钙钛矿型铌复合氧化物的水热合成及表征铌掺杂氧化锡陶瓷的电阻负温度系数特性
The resistivity of carbon nanotube/ silicone composite showed strong negative temperature coefficient effect and were sensitivity to force. 在碳纳米管含量较低的情况下就获得了力学性能和电学性能较好的复合材料。其中碳纳米管/硅橡胶复合材料的电阻率具有负温度系数效应和较好的力敏特性。
Under these conditions, no cool flame and negative temperature coefficient phenomenon was observed. 在这样的条件下,异丁烯的氧化溲有冷焰与负温度系数现象。
The results showed negative temperature coefficient feature of these dependences. 测量这些材料的阻温特性,结果表明这些材料都是负温度系数热敏电阻材料。
The BGR voltage has a positive temperature coefficient to cancel the negative temperature coefficient of the β-multiplier. 同时,BGR电压的正温度系数抵消了β乘法器中负温度系数。
With the substitution of fly ash increases, the mechanical properties and durability of negative temperature concrete reduce gradually. 随着粉煤灰取代量的增大,负温混凝土的力学性能和耐久性能逐渐降低。